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10fold ii
"10fold. Didactics Against Discrimination“
term: 09/2023-12/2024

In autumn, the Erasmus+ project "10fold. Didactics Against Discrimination", coordinated by Orient Express, started. It is a continuation of our successful comic project 10fold (2022), in which the life stories of participants were presented artistically.

10fold II is about the didacticization of the stories, which should lead to a textbook for teaching German as a second language and for basic education.

The aim is to create tasks and exercises based on authentic material that can be used in lessons with learners at language levels A1-B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The activities are extremely varied; for example, exercises are created for the digital and analogue learning space. The learning materials cover the language skills of reading, speaking, listening and writing in a balanced way .

It also contains exercises that encourage reflection on discrimination and inclusion.

Learners and teachers are involved in the development process and evaluate the material, which is available in English, French and German.

The graphic material is prepared by Valerie Bruckbög .

Partner Organisations:


  • Cap Ulysse, Frankreich

  • Blickwinkel – Mut zur Perspektive, Österreic

More information about 10fold can be found on the project homepage:

10fold ii
"10fold. Didactics Against Discrimination“
term: 09/2023-12/2024

The project "10fold. Stories Against Discrimination" is aimed at participants and trainers from adult education and creatively links the learning fields of (second) language acquisition with the topics of equality and participation.

In the course of the project, ten life stories of participants will be documented in which they talk about their experiences with discrimination and effective coping strategies.

The stories will be published both in narrative form as a text book and in the form of a comic – drawn by the project partner Blickwinkel – Mut zur Perspektive.

The resulting materials serve as authentic learning material and promote both communicative and linguistic skills while providing exciting opportunities for discussion.

Partner Organisations:


  • Cap Ulysse, Frankreich

  • Blickwinkel – Mut zur Perspektive, Österreic

More information about 10fold can be found on the project homepage:

All learning materials are now available for download at the following link:

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