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Crisis Shelter

Forced marriage is violence!

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Who can be accommodated?

Girls and women between the ages of 16 and 24 from all over Austria who are threatened or already affected by forced marriage and who need to be accommodated anonymously in order to be protected from this and other forms of violence.

In exceptional cases, slightly younger minors can also be admitted in agreement with the Youth Welfare Office.

What does the crisis shelter offer threatened and affected young women?

  • Accommodation for eight young women + two emergency beds

  • Protection by secret address and necessary security measures

  • Around-the-clock care in the apartment

  • Holistic consulting in German, Turkish, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Arabic, Farsi, English and French

  • Accompaniment (to authorities, visits to the doctor, etc.)

  • Duration of residence from a few days to several months, depending on individual situation and risk

Information on admission to the crisis shelter

Admission to the crisis shelter takes place via the Women's Counselling Centre of Orient Express. The threatened / affected person can report herself or the first contact can be established by other institutions and persons.

In a personal initial conversation with a women's counsellor of the Orient Express, it is decided whether accommodation in the crisis shelter is possible and reasonable in the individual case.


Grau Wellenförmiger Hintergrund


outside opening hours

Contact via:

24- Hours Women's Emergency Hotline 01/71 71 9 or Women's Helpline Against Violence 0 800 / 222 555


donations secure our work:

Orient Express - Beratungs-, Bildungs- und 
Kulturinitiative für Frauen

UniCredit Bank Austria AG

BLZ: 12000


AT34 1200 0100 0041 1859

the crisis shelter is financed by:

  • Federal Chancellery - Women and Equality Section

  • Federal Ministry of the Interior

  • The accommodation of minors is financed by the Youth Welfare Office

We thank the following sponsors and cooperation partners for the support of the crisis shelter in the form of commodity contributions:

Transitional Housing

Transitional housing

moderne Wohnung

Since January 2019, a second shelter, a form of transitional housing, has been in operation as a follow-up facility for girls and young women threatened or affected by forced marriage.

Who can be accommodated?

Girls and women between the ages of 16 and 24 from all over Austria, of any nationality and origin, regardless of their residence status, who are threatened or affected by forced marriage or generational conflicts in the context of kinship-based gender violence

What does the transitional housing offer threatened and affected young women?

  • Accommodation for up to sixteen young women and girls

  • Protection by secret address and necessary security measures

  • Around-the-clock care and support

  • Individual counselling in the following languages: German, English, Arabic, Dari, Farsi, Turkish, Kurdish, BKS, French and Tajik

  • Group discussions, in a weekly setting

  • Accompaniment (to authorities, doctor's visits, etc.)

  • Leisure time offers (for example sports activities, creative design, workshops, etc.)

  • Psychological and therapeutic services (external services if necessary)

  • Duration of residence up to one year

  • Accompaniment and support during the process of gradual independence


Information on admission to the transitional housing


In a personal interview at the Women's Counselling Centre of Orient Express, threatened or affected women can discuss whether accommodation in the transitional home is appropriate in her individual case. Furthermore, accommodation in the transitional housing can take place after the crisis shelter, if the woman wishes or needs further support.

Grau Wellenförmiger Hintergrund



The transitional housing is financed by:

  • Fonds Soziales Wien (FSW)

  • The accommodation of minors is financed by the Youth Welfare Office.

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