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nationwide coordination office

against forced marriage and kin-based gender violence

The nationwide coordination office of the Orient Express association focuses on prevention and crisis work on the issues of forced marriage and family violence.

It includes support for those affected, nationwide cooperation between relevant institutions, and raising awareness among multipliers (professionals) and the general public. In addition, this area of work will place a stronger focus on ground work, scientific research and national networking around forced marriage and kin-based gender violence.

The activities of the coordination office:


Consulting activities:

  • Counselling and support for women and girls affected by forced marriage and/or family violence.


The target group-specific advice can be given in person, by telephone or online (via an online advice platform or email). In addition, outreach advice appointments are possible at educational institutions, training companies and other public institutions in order to reach those people who would otherwise have little access to support services, for example due to strong control exercised by the family.

If necessary, accommodation will be provided in a suitable protective facility.


  • Counselling and information sessions for professionals on the subject of forced marriage and/or family violence.


Cooperation , coordination and public relations:

Austria-wide networking and prevention work; creation and strengthening of networks and interdisciplinary cooperation formats as well as raising public awareness of the issue.


Education and awareness-raising in the form of training for professionals:

Training for multipliers is an essential measure to raise awareness among key professional groups and increase the number of reported cases. Contact us if you are interested in a training course.

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The Coordination Centre ist financed by the Federal Chancellery of Austria 

The information material of the Coordination Centre can be downloaded here:


Please feel free to contact us via our general email address:

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