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Against Abduction and Forced Marriage
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The Coordination Centre ist financed by the Federal Chancellery of Austria and the Women's Department of the City of Vienna (MA 57)

Forced marriages and abductions have been among our main areas of work for years.

The Coordination Centre, funded by the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, as well as co-financed by the Women's Department of the City of Vienna, enables us to expand this work and to act as a coordinating centre throughout Austria.


MUTIG II läuft von Jänner 2022 bis Dezember 2023. Das Projekt umfasst einen MUTIG Lehrgang in kompakter Form und mehrere MUTIG Freiräume.


Alle aktuellen Termine zu den MUTIG Freiräumen sind auf unseren Social Media Kanälen verfügbar!

Freiraum findet immer in unserem Lernzentrum in der Schönngasse 15-17/8 (4. Stock) in 1020 Wien statt.

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The Coordination Centre ist financed by the Federal Chancellery of Austria and the Women's Department of the City of Vienna (MA 57)

Dieses Projekt wird durch den Österreichischen Integrationsfonds finanziert

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